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About Suzi…

Working for 10 years as a Software Engineer, with a big salary and big house, I couldn’t shake the feeling of ‘there must be more than this’. Following the birth of my first child I was diagnosed with depression and embarked on a healing journey which ultimately was the catalyst for me to leave my corporate career and follow a different path inspired by my discoveries and a desire to help others. This was 17 years ago and I have been working in health & wellness ever since.

I am keen to empower others with the tools & techniques I have learnt that reduce stress and anxiety and bring more peace, happiness and contentment. For many years now I have been helping people relax, destress and create positive change in their lives with classes, workshops, one to one sessions and retreats. My work can help people cope with stress, anxiety, overcome fears and let go of limitations. I am a great believer in the power of community and host a monthly Women’s Circle and recently facilitated an Action for Happiness Course helping others to explore happiness and community.

Central to my way of life and ability to hold a peaceful space for others is my personal meditation & Yoga practice. These are daily practices for me and I have spent at least a month each year on top of a mountain in Spain at a meditation retreat over the last few years in order to help stabilise my experience of stillness and hold a peaceful space for others. I have found that a meditation practice is one of the best ways to connect with yourself and achieve a more peaceful and joyful life.

A natural nurturer, I love to create & hold a peaceful and nurturing space. My studio in the heart of the Scottish Borders town of Peebles ‘A Wee Retreat’ has a beautiful and peaceful studio, therapy space where I teach and offer workshops and one to one sessions. I also run retreats in Scotland and offer sessions online.

I have trained in a number of healing modalities, including Psychotherapeutic Counselling, Mindfulness Teacher, Mind Calm Coach, Children’s Meditation Teacher, EFT ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Mind Detox Practitioner, Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher in Usui Reiki & Karuna Reiki. I am fully insured and hold a Disclosure Scotland PVG check, an accredited member of the NCS National Counselling Society and HS Hypnotherapy Society. I am currently training in 500hr Yoga training.

With love
